2022 WRAP UP - MY TOP 5 READS OF 2022

Although 2022 has been a year of a mixed bag, personally and professionally, it has been a tremendous bookish year for me. I had always stayed in my comfort zone of historical fiction, women's and contemporary fiction In the past. But this year, not only did I explore more books in other genres like non-fiction, mythology and thrillers, which I usually don't pick up, but I also enjoyed reading them to a great extent. I also completed my reading goals for the year, another new habit I started this year. There were a lot of books that I loved, and a few were underwhelming as well. Below is a list of the books close to my heart and my top 5 books of the year 2022. BECOMING BY MICHELLE OBAMA This has to be my best pick for the year, hands down. Even months after finishing the book, I still feel the lines lingering in my head. A must-read memoir from one of the most potent and admirable women. It's not just her personal account. It's also every woman's voice suppressed ...