With a heart made of iron, but body, not so much! - Iron Deficiency Anaemia

It won't be wrong to say that India is the capital of the world for iron deficiency anaemia. The number of cases every year in India alone could win you elections. The worst part of it is that the most affected are women and adolescents. Iron deficiency anaemia is the condition when the body's iron is so low that it causes a drop in haemoglobin level. Haemoglobin is the component that is responsible for carrying oxygen through blood cells to all organs. This haemoglobin is formed by iron that we consume and from the reserves in the bone marrow, and when the iron intake is less, the process is hampered. This is more prevalent in developing and underdeveloped countries, where the malnourished population is higher. Now, if the leader focuses on new strategies and unwanted "developments" instead of improving the nutrition and living conditions of the citizens, then this is bound to happen. Iron deficiency anaemia happens when the nutritional intake of iron is poor, with...