BOOK NAME: DINNER AT THE HOMESICK RESTAURANT AUTHOR NAME: ANNE TYLER GENRE: DOMESTIC/ LITERARY FICTION PUBLISHER: VINTAGE BOOKS BOOK BUY LINK: https://www.amazon.in/Dinner-Homesick-Restaurant-Anne-Tyler/dp/0099916401 BOOK COVER IMAGE BOOK REVIEW Remember when your grandma used to tell you stories as you followed her like a shadow before falling asleep in her warm, comfy hug? Well, yes, I do. Watching my Nani narrate me stories as I gape at her with dreamy eyes bewitched by the characters in her tales, the effortless narration as if she had done it a hundred times already or even lived through it, the vivid and lifelike dramatics and the turn of events is a photographic memory etched forever in my brain. And yeah, I think if my Nani had ever decided to publish her tales, they would have sounded just like this book. Anne Tyler's storytelling, too, feels so intimate; just that Tyler telling you her story will not put you to sleep but will make you very much alive. The char...