
Showing posts from October, 2024


I am immensely honoured and elated to be a part of the Blogchatter anthology yet another time, the genre this time being around love. After getting my name on a book I coauthored last year ( The Blogchatter Book of Thrillers ), I was eagerly looking forward to the next instalment. I was slightly desponded that the genre was about love because I am neither a romance reader nor a writer. I was dejected and almost gave up until the team announced that the story could be about any or all shades of love and that it need not necessarily only be romantic. My happiness knew no bounds, and I grabbed my pen and diary the same day. Yes, I am old school, and I still write my first draft on paper before typing!  When the selection list came for the anthology, I was surprised to find my name among the 18 writers out of the 90 submissions because it made me realise that if I could write on love, then I may be able to write on everything else, too. It was no less feeling than the first time this happe