BOOK NAME: HELLO BEAUTIFUL AUTHOR NAME: ANN NAPOLITANO GENRE: LITERARY FICTION PUBLISHER: PENGUIN BOOKS BOOK BUY LINK: https://amzn.in/d/9uC5YlC BOOK COVER IMAGE BOOK REVIEW I so badly want someone to tell me that I read the wrong book this whole time. Or did I, really? Because this was not what I imagined it would be. I am so sorry to admit that I am among the one per cent of readers who hated this book. I am sad I chose the wrong book to end my year with. I was so deceived by the captivating cover and the mention of homage to Little Women. This is more of a rant than a review because I have nothing new to offer than what the 4 lakh people had already written about it, except for my own experiences. And to rant about this book, I don’t know how to do it without giving away a lot of the story and for obvious reasons, I am going to draw comparisons between this one and Little Women. So please feel free to skip this review because I might as well be spoiling two books for...