“ What size glove, Madam?” Asked my surgical technician assistant. "A 7.5 and a 7," I replied. He smirked and picked them up for me. He looked very eager to spit out something to me. An operating theatre is always full of people at any given time. It's a large team that manages an operation theatre. There is the surgical team with the primary surgeon and the assistant surgeons; the nursing team, who assists the surgeons; the anaesthetist team; the technicians and the housekeeping team. And every now and then, medical and nursing students flood the OT and stand curiously to watch the surgery. It's not like those shown in the daily soaps where you can enter the theatre and demand to treat your husband yourself. It's a highly sterile zone and is prohibited for anyone except the patient and the OT team. "Mam, your gloves." The technician said, holding out the pair for me. The doubt in his eyes was still evident. We don't have a name for him yet. ...