BOOK NAME: AN ISLAND AUTHOR NAME: KAREN JENNINGS GENRE: LITERARY / CONTEMPORARY FICTION PUBLISHER: PICADOR / PANMACMILLAN INDIA BOOK BUY LINK: BOOK COVER IMAGE BOOK REVIEW Another great book, and writing let down by weak execution. I totally understand why it was not the booker favourite of many in 2021. Samuel, the 70-year-old lighthouse keeper, is the sole resident of his island after having fled from the mainland. He cooks for himself, cleans and maintains the lighthouse, feeds his hens, tends to his farmland and occasionally disposes off the bodies of refugees that wash up on the shore. Though he is old and lonely and survives on the weekly ration that comes by boat, he is content to stay in a place that he can finally call his home. One day, the body of a young foreign refugee shows up on the shore, and he is surprised to find him alive. He gets to spend four days with this man on his island, and ins...