On any other day, Ahmed would have picked up Aliza and made her dizzy by spinning her around. But today, he was dumbed beyond words and stared past her into oblivion. His mind played tricks by tuning into various emotions in short intervals. He was euphoric at one moment and miserable the next. Aliza, who expected a much-overjoyed expression from her husband, was content with what Ahmed had conveyed. Probably his mind was preoccupied with work, she thought. 

Aliza understood Ahmed was troubled even though she might have preferred otherwise. She even thought he was not ready for such a huge responsibility right now. But she did not understand why they all had to pack again for Chennai. And why will Ahmed's landlady come along too? She had already sensed trouble when she found Ahmed living in the landlady's house instead of his building. Women can sense trouble miles away but can't dare pick the ones hovering around their lives.

As they reached home the same night, Rabiya's residence welcomed them with fury and frustration. None of them had spoken during their journey home because the tension was very much palpable. Cyra froze at the sight of Ahmed entering alongside Aliza, wrapping his arms around her shoulder. She saw the woman she had dreaded and realised her nightmare had come true. Though Rabiya explained Ahmed's first marriage, Cyra hadn't believed it until she saw it with her eyes. She thought things would somehow be normal once Ahmed arrived, and he would prove her wrong. But no. Not yet. Her heart crushed into a million pieces, and her eyes welled up. Ahmed stood gazing at the floor before he could look into everyone's faces. Cyra wrung her arms around her mother and whimpered against her chest.

Aliza and Fahim stood bewildered and clueless about what was happening. Ahmed made her sit after she resisted going to her room without an explanation.

'Ahmed, this woman right here has lost her mind. She says she is married to you and has come here to find out about your past. I don't trust a word she utters. But your abbu wanted you to clarify because she leaves.' Rabiya yelled, and her eyes pleaded that he denies all the claims and sends her back. But Ahmed did not speak a word. He stood squirming and sweating while Aliza flung herself off the sofa and looked at them in shock. She had planned Ahmed's surprise well in advance but was not prepared for the surprise she is yet to receive.

'Ammi, it can never be. I think they might have been mistaken. Am I right, Ahmed ji?' Aliza looked at Ahmed, who repelled her eye contact and then at the strange woman in the lap of Ahmed's landlady. She did her calculations, and she knew two and two make four. Aliza's heart raced, and she felt giddy. She wasn't sure if it was because of her pregnancy or the revelation she had just had. She must have agreed to the landlady's suggestion of being with her parents until Ahmed came and picked her up, she thought. But she had refused. She said she would go home because she felt things were not right.

She collapsed into her sofa as her heart crumbled, and felt a stabbing pain in her chest. Fahim, Rabiya and Ahmed ran to her while Fahim held her up and comforted her. He stood by his sister while daring Ahmed away with his raging eyes. Rabiya and her husband watched everything in silence until the drama unfolded. 

To be continued… 


I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z2023 challenge


  1. Poor Cyra and Aliza, one lie shattered their world!

  2. A man can ruin many lives.

    1. Indeed. But they often dont get to face the repurcussions.

  3. This was inevitable... wonder what'll happen now


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