Aliza and Cyra sat across each other in the idea of having either a heartfelt or a heated conversation. But none of them could face each other. Silence prevailed, and no one else interrupted too. Cyra would have happily waited in the car until her mother arrived if not for Fahim and his father. They welcomed everyone home once they reach their doorstep, be it their rival as well. But this was uncalled for. What did they even expect? Both women sort out their differences and live under one roof, sharing a husband? They weren't Khadija and Aisha though they aspired to be. 

'This woman looks prettier than all of us combined. Is that why Ahmed ji decided to ditch me and marry her?' Aliza did not blurt out but thought to herself. 

'She is educated, working and caring for her mother and business. She is well-behaved and looks assertive too. Maybe that's why.' Her thoughts continued to haunt her.

'She did not find anybody else other than my husband with so many qualities? How should I believe she did not know my existence at all? Women these days are unbelievably crazy. What if this is all planned?' Her thoughts betrayed her momentarily. 

'No. But from what her mother spoke, I feel they are genuine. I can't complain about strangers when my very own has betrayed me beyond my imagination. It must have hurt her too. Should I even ask her about her final say in all this?'

Cyra's mind was preoccupied too. She was too scared to speak. She knew she was not at fault, but she was not expecting anything lesser than being judged for all that had happened. And she was prepared for all of it. 

'How on earth could Ahmed cheat us? And what's wrong with her? Why would he lie to me when he had an understanding partner already? Do men really don't think? Should I walk out of his marriage and risk my future or stay and try to be supportive of both. I need this marriage to work by all means. I can't leave Ahmed. It would shatter Ma when they point their fingers at her for failing my marriage and life. I wouldn't be able to see her like that. But will I be able to betray this woman and claim Ahmed as my own? No, never. Ya, Allah! Guide me. What should I do? How will I choose between my mother and a woman who is as naive as her? And, and, and.., she is pregnant. With Ahmed's child! Won't my staying with Ahmed be a betrayal to his child as well? But who does Ahmed love? Me or her? But does it matter at all?' Her thoughts rang in her head continuously, making her dizzy and puzzled. 

The telephone in Aliza's house rang sharply, disturbing her chain of thoughts, and Aliza's mother came in calling for Aliza.

'It's Ahmed. He wants to have a word with you. Aliza, come and listen to what he has got to say, atleast.' She spoke, giving a stare of victory towards Cyra. Cyra's heart sank. She had left Ahmed's house shortly after Aliza left. But Ahmed hadn't called her since. Not a word from him. Aliza refused to talk to him, and her mother passed on the message from the receiver to Aliza.

'He says he can't live without you, and whatever had happened was a mistake. He is ready to correct himself if given a chance.' She yelled purposefully for Cyra and her mother to listen. Each word felt like a spear hitting her heart, but she noticed no change in Aliza's expressions. Cyra finally decided she would leave Ahmed as soon as the next day and announce her decision in the next jamath meeting until Aliza articulated her first words in front of Cyra.

'I want talak.'

To be continued…


I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z2023 challenge.


  1. I understand Aliza's mom, her emotions but both the ladies should talk to one another. Excited and nervous for next

    1. Thanks for reading and dropping in your comments.

  2. Both of them should ditch him.


  3. Good decision, Aliza. I doi wish the two women would talk to each other though


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