By now, you are probably wondering what happened to Cyra and Ahmed, and it is right of you to do it. The day Aliza divorced Ahmed, Cyra grew confused. Should she, too, walk away from Ahmed's life now because he had lied to her or stay because now she is the only one in his life? Amidst her confusion, she heard what Rabiya said to Aliza's parents after the jamath left. 

'It's pretty upsetting what Aliza has done. Ahmed did commit a mistake. But he is a man. She could have let it go, and I would have made everything right. But she has made the wrong decision by leaving my son and taking away our grandchild. I will see what happens to her now, and I am sure she will repent her decision. But you know what? My son would still be living with his wife under this roof. Yes, I am talking about that Bangalore girl. Whatever is said and done, my son likes her, and she did not choose to leave him, unlike your uncultured overconfident daughter. I will see to them they live their best life. And I will somehow get back my grandchild as well. Be prepared for it.' Her scornful curse ended as a teary-eyed Aliza's parents left the house whimpering in pain.

You cannot blame Cyra for choosing to stay. She wasn't the one who was at fault, and she forgave her husband, which again was her choice, just as Aliza's, and it should be respected. After all, she had been through enough in her life already and she wanted some rest. But was she ready to undergo the change that comes along with acceptance? Time will decide if she will replace Aliza or create her own space in his home and life. Ahmed and Cyra left for Bangalore again to start their life anew and away from all the distractions. But only Cyra had forgiven her husband; her mother still hadn't forgotten the disaster that Ahmed had created. She largely remained unattached to him and heeded only her daughter's concerns. Ahmed concentrated on gaining back her trust and alleviating Cyra's fear of being a cheater again. 

After a year, everything had evaporated into thin air. People change, and that is the only constant in life that is. Not only does time heals, but it also blunts both pain and memory as well. Cyra and Ahmed were back to normalcy though there were glitches in between. Every small fight between them would bring her back the memories of his betrayal, and Ahmed always ended up discussing Aliza and her traits. On other days, there were more than any other happy couple. Ahmed surprised Cyra frequently, and she took him out for lunch and dinner as she knew every place in Bangalore that served the best biryani.

After all those routine days, one evening, Ahmed did not return in the best of his moods and sulked at everything and everyone. 

'What has even possessed you? Why do you behave like this today?' Cyra was worried.

Ahmed reached out to his bag and pulled out an envelope with his employer's official stamp. Cyra opened it hesitantly, anticipating bad news. It was his transfer back letter. Now that Ahmed's project is complete, he is no longer needed in this office, and since he had worked hard for it, he has been rewarded with a transfer back to the office in his hometown. Cyra felt momentarily elated until she realised she had to move to Chennai with Ahmed, leaving her mother alone. And she has to live with Ahmed's parents and shift her business altogether to Chennai. 

To be continued…


I am participating in BlogchatterA2Z2023 challenge.


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