As the tenebrous sky alights in the north
With its embers rampaging the desolate night,
I could see blisters erupt in the air
Akin to those tender under my flesh and hair.
Our silent wails emerged, looking for an answer
Who could have done what, here and over the yonder?
“It was me” - screeched the ashen pile of timber!
“No, it was me” bickered the cracked and healed decanter.
But can I not see the flickering butt end in a pound of foliar?
All glowing and forgotten after a moment of leisure,
Those cherry bombs and flower pots, hidden and deflated
Rejoicing the quiescence after a night of adventure.
As the hot wind blew, winning over fair and square
With fiery danglers like tendrils in the air,
Sparkling and swaying to their left and then to the right
Adding to the barren land’s incessant plight.
Whom shall I ask? How does it stop?
There has to be someone on the top of it all
“Oh, poor souls, pardon us”, there came a squawk
It said - “we have erred; we are humans, after all”.
This is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop for the prompt forest and fire.
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