BOOK NAME : COME, BEFORE EVENING FALLS AUTHOR NAME : MANJUL BAJAJ GENRE : HISTORICAL FICTION PUBLISHER: HACHETTE INDIA BOOK BUY LINK: Honestly, if there is a time when I can't find the right words to describe how I exactly feel about a book, it's right now. I, for a moment, couldn’t think of any word to fill in the blank pages. But I have tried my best to do some justice to this book. This poignantly beautiful book is a story of a forbidden love entangled in the mess of family honour, caste issues, childhood trauma and morality. Raakha, the new teacher in kala Saand, is a revolutionist trying to change his society. He is surrounded by a strong aura that pulls everyone towards him, men and women alike. They all want to be liked by him and steal moments just to be around him. But he is unable get over Jugni since their first encounter when they locked eyes and horns with each other. Jugni- his Jugniye, is an u...