BOOK NAME: NIGERIA JONES AUTHOR NAME: IBI ZOBOI GENRE: CONTEMPORARY FICTION PUBLISHER: HARPERCOLLINS BOOK BUY LINK : Nigeria Jones, a black American in Philadelphia, is the daughter of Kofi Sankofa, a radical activist and separatist trying to fight white supremacy. On the surface, his practices look normal for someone who has been through oppression and racial abuse. But deeper down, his methods are aggressive and no better than an extremist. He believes in homeschooling rather than sending his children and people to schools run by Americans. He enforces rules like veganism, polygamy and marrying within their group to connect to their ancestors and avoid American practices. Nigeria Jones starts questioning his practices when she begins her search for her estranged mother. With every secret she uncovers about her mother, she also discovers uncomfortable truths about her father. She learns that her m...